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This page will be a compilation of links from previous activities and important archived information.

All stories linked here were collected as part of the Women's Rowing 50th Reunion in collaboration with the UW History Department. A very special thanks to a few invaluable students - Kayla Bell and Elizabeth Gediman - along with their advisor, Troy Reeves for their continued support.

Please click on the names below to hear their oral history submission.


Linda Kiltz
Kathy Haberman     
Rebecca Rosenberg    
Rose Marchuk   
Karen Ela    
Sandie Mintz    
Mandi Kowal    
Chris Kunz    
Kris Thorsness  
Tammy Watson-Schram    
Margie Yankowski  

Elizabeth Aaron Auchter

Malika Ziebarth 

Oral History Stories from 50th Reunion

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